Monday 6 August 2018




Kama umeokoka na unaona huu upofu unaoendelea naomba usimame uwaombee kwa bidii sana maana siyo kosa lao bali ni fikra zao zimepofushwa.

Lakini ikiwa injili yetu imesitirika, imesitirika kwa hao wanaopotea;

ambao ndani yao mungu wa dunia hii amepofusha fikira zao wasioamini, isiwazukie nuru ya injili ya utukufu wake Kristo aliye sura yake Mungu.


Ni mungu wa dunia hii ambaye ni shetani amepofusha fikra zao ili zisiweze kufikiri sawasawa na kuijuwa injili ya kweli inayoweza kuokoa.

Maandiko yako wazi kabisa na yanaeleweka lakini shetani haachilii hiyo nafasi ya wao kuyaelewa.

ZABURI 115:3-8
Lakini Mungu wetu yuko mbinguni, Alitakalo lote amelitenda.

Sanamu zao ni fedha na dhahabu, Kazi ya mikono ya wanadamu.

Zina vinywa lakini hazisemi, Zina macho lakini hazioni,

Zina masikio lakini hazisikii, Zina pua lakini hazisikii harufu,

Mikono lakini hazishiki, miguu lakini haziendi, Wala hazitoi sauti kwa koo zake.

Wazifanyao watafanana nazo, Kila mmoja anayezitumainia.


Mungu wetu yuko mbinguni lakini wao wamemchonga na kumtembeza barabarani

Maandiko yako wazi kabisa kwamba Mungu anakaa ndani yetu na sisi ni mfano wake sasa nashangaa wanamchongaje kama sanamu.

KUMB 5:6-10
Mimi ni Bwana, Mungu wako, niliyekutoa katika nchi ya Misri, katika nyumba ya utumwa.

Usiwe na miungu mingine ila mimi.

Usijifanyie sanamu ya kuchonga, mfano wa kitu cho chote kilicho juu mbinguni, au kilicho chini duniani, au kilicho majini chini ya nchi.

Usivisujudie wala kuvitumikia; kwa kuwa mimi Bwana, Mungu wako, ni Mungu mwenye wivu, nawapatiliza wana uovu wa baba zao; hata kizazi cha tatu na cha nne cha wanichukiao,

nami nawarehemu maelfu elfu wanipendao, na kuzishika amri zangu.


Hii ni miungu mingine mnayoiabudu lakini unajipa moyo kwamba huiabudu bali unaiheshimu na hauko tayari kabisa kuyaacha haya madubwasha.

Umekatazwa kabisa kusujudia makitu kama haya yaliyochongwa kwa mikono yani Kazi za mikono yako unaziabudu na kuzisujudia.
Mungu anasema ni chukizo kabisa kwake.
Yeye amekataa unamlazimisha kwanini?????

Njoni, tuabudu, tusujudu, Tupige magoti mbele za Bwana aliyetuumba.


Kitendo cha kupiga magoti na kusujudu yani kuinamisha kichwa ni kuabudu.
Sasa wewe unapigaje magoti mbele ya likitu lililochongwa halafu unasema huliabudu?
Na wengine mnaacha kazi zenu mnazunguka nalo kutwa nzima mkifikiri kuna kitu kitaongezeka katika maisha yenu.
Fanyeni kazi zenu hakuna mnachofaidi kuabudu Kazi za mikono yenu.

Tena pana mapatano gani kati ya hekalu la Mungu na sanamu? Kwa maana sisi tu hekalu la Mungu aliye hai; kama Mungu alivyosema, ya kwamba, Nitakaa ndani yao, na kati yao nitatembea, nami nitakuwa Mungu wao, nao watakuwa watu wangu.


Tena mnavyojitetea kwamba hamyaabudu bali ni ukumbusho tu mjue licha ya hayo yote hayo makitu hayatakiwi kabisa katika hekalu la Mungu aliye hai.
Hakuna mapatano yoyote kati ya hekalu la Mungu na hayo makitu.
Yani hutakiwi hata moyoni mwako kufikiri kwamba kuna kitu kama hicho kinachopaswa kuabudiwa maana hekalu la Mungu ni wewe mwenyewe.

Au hamjui ya kuwa mwili wenu ni hekalu la Roho Mtakatifu aliye ndani yenu, mliyepewa na Mungu? Wala ninyi si mali yenu wenyewe;

Yesu yuko mioyoni mwetu wala hazungushwi barabarani kama mnavyodhani.
Hicho unachokifikiria wewe na mawazo yako ya kibinadamu Mungu ameshakikataa.

Kuna mtu aliniambie eti mnaweka hayo masanamu ili mtu akiyaona ahuzunike na kusikitika kwa kuona namna ambavyo Yesu alisulubiwa.

Basi imani, chanzo chake ni kusikia; na kusikia huja kwa neno la Kristo.


Kumfanya mtu aamini kwamba Yesu alisulubiwa ni kwa kumhubiria au kumfundisha tu na akishasikia ndipo imani inajengeka ndani yake maana imani chanzo chake ni kusikia wala siyo kuona.
Na injili siyo kitu kidogo kama unavyodhani hata asiamini.

Kwa maana siionei haya Injili; kwa sababu ni uweza wa Mungu uuletao wokovu, kwa kila aaminiye, kwa Myahudi kwanza, na kwa Myunani pia.

Unapomhubiria mtu injili ni lazima aamini maana injili ni uweza wa Mungu uuletao wakovu na uweza wa Mungu haushindwi katika jambo lolote.
Na kuamini ni lazima kwanza uwe na imani ambayo unaipata kwa kulisikia neno la Kristo na siyo kwa kuona mfano wa jinsi Yesu alivyopigiliwa msalabali.

Wewe unakaa na lisanamu lako halafu unatamka vifungu vya biblia unafikiri kuna kitu unafanya hapo nakuambia unadeki bahari.






If you are saved and see this persistent blindness please ask me to pray for them very hardly because it's not their fault but their minds are blinded.

But if our gospel is frustrated, it is overlooked to those who are lost;

in whom the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, not to shine on the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is God's image.


It is the god of this world who is Satan who has blinded their thinking so that they can not think exactly and know the true gospel that can save.

The Scriptures are clear and understandable but the devil does not give them the opportunity to understand them.

PSALM 115: 3-8
But our God is in heaven, He wants all that He has done.

Their idols are silver and gold, the work of human hands.

They have mouths but do not say, They have eyes but do not see,

They have ears but do not hear, They have nose but do not smell the smell,

Hands but do not hold, legs but do not go, And they do not give voice to their throat.

They that make them shall be like unto them, every one that trusteth in them.


Our God is in heaven but they have crucified Him and worshiped Him on the road

The Scriptures are clear that God dwells in us and we are His example now and wonder how they tell him about an image.

I am the Lord thy God, which brought thee forth out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage.

Do not have any other gods except me.

You shall not make for yourself a carved image, as an image of anything that is in the heavens above, or that is on the earth beneath, or that is in the waters beneath the earth.

Do not bow down to them nor serve them; For I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, bringing evil upon the children of their fathers; even to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me,

I also have compassion for thousands of people who love me, and keep my commandments.


These are other gods you are worshiping but you make me feel that you are worshiping them but you respect me and are not ready to give up.

You have been completely forbidden to bow down to the hands of the hands of your hands and bow down to them.
God says it is a disgusting thing to him.
Why does he refuse to compel him?

PSALM 95: 6
Come, worship, bow down, Bow down before the Lord that made us.


The act of kneeling and bowing down to the head is to worship.
Now how do you kneel in front of the sculptor and then say you worship it?
And others leave your work around and around you thinking that there is something going on in your life.
Do your work no one who is pleased to worship the work of your hands.

And what agreement is there between God's temple and the image? For we are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, that I will dwell in them, and in them shall I walk, and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.


And you defend that you are not worshiping but just a reminder to know in spite of all these things will not be required in the temple of the living God.
There is no contract between God's temple and those things.
Who is not even in your heart to think that there is such a thing to be worshiped because the temple of God is yours.

Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit within you, which is given to you by God? And you are not your own property;

Jesus is in our hearts and not in the streets as you think.
What you think of yourself and your human mind God has rejected.

Someone told me that you put these idols in order to see someone feel sad and sad about seeing how Jesus was crucified.

MAN 10
So faith, the source is to hear; and hearing comes by the word of Christ.


To convince someone that Jesus was crucified is by preaching or teaching only and hearing and faith is built up in it because faith is the source of hearing or not.
And the gospel is not as little as you think it does not even believe.

For I do not see the Gospel; because it is the power of God that brings salvation, to every believer, to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.

When you preach the gospel, you must believe the gospel means God's power of power and the power of God does not prevail in anything.
And believing you must first have the faith you receive by hearing the word of Christ and not by seeing the example of how Jesus was tempted to curse.

You're staying with your picture and then mentioning biblical texts you think there's something you're doing there and tell you to dig up the sea.



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