Saturday 19 February 2022



Nisikilize wewe mwamini! 

Hatua ya kuanza kumwazia Mungu mabaya ni chanzo cha mauti yako! 

Unapomfikiria Mungu kuwa anaweza kuwa chanzo cha mambo mabaya hapo unajitengenezea kichaka cha adui/Shetani kujificha na kukutandika sawasawa! 

1 YOHANA 1:5

Na hii ndiyo habari tuliyoisikia kwake, na kuihubiri kwenu, ya kwamba Mungu ni nuru, wala giza lo lote hamna ndani yake.

Kitu pekee kilicho kwa Mungu ni nuru tu, wala hashirikiani na giza, adui anapokuona unaanza kufikiri kuwa Mungu analeta mabaya kwako basi ujue anapata nafasi ya kukutandika ili umchukie Mungu

Ni kawaida sana kumsikia mlokole akisema eti Mungu amempitisha katika mambo mabaya ili ampe mema!!! 

Mungu hana tabia ya kumtesa mtu ili ampe mema

Wewe kama kuna mabaya unapitia basi uwe na uhakika umeyatengeneza mwenyewe

Usianze kusimulia mahadithi yako kisha ukayaita ushuhuda wa namna ambavyo Mungu alikua anakuandaa ili akupe hicho ulichokipata! 

Yesu anasema ikiwa nyinyi mlio waovu mnaweza kuwapa watoto wenu vipawa vyema, si zaidi sana kwa Baba yenu aliye mbinguni? 

Kama wewe huwezi kumtesa mtoto wako ndipo umpe yaliyo mema ni kwanini ufikiri kwamba Mungu anaweza kuwafanyia watoto wake hivyo? 

Au unajiona wewe ni mwema sana kuliko Mungu? 

Acha kiburi uwe na nidhamu unapomwongelea Mungu

Usiokote okote maneno na kuyaunganisha unganisha kisha ukaanza kuwafundisha watu kuhusu tabia ya Mungu

Mashida shida yako uliyopitia kwaajili ya uchaguzi na maamuzi yako mabovu hayajawahi kuwa injili yenye kuokoa hata siku moja

Kinachofanya watu waokoke ni injili maana ndiyo yenye uweza wa Mungu uletao wokovu

Wala habari mbaya zilizokupata wewe hazikuwahi kuweza kuokoa na kumfanya mtu aokoke utakapomsimulia

Injili ni habari njema, ni kuhusu ufufuo wa Yesu Kristo tu na roho wa Mungu kukaa ndani ya anayeamini huo ufufuo! 

Inatosha tu kusema hivyo, acha kutishia watu kwa hadithi za kutisha

Habari za Mungu hazitishi watu bali zinaleta amani kwa kila asikiaye

Ukiona unahubiri halafu watu wanaona wokovu ni mgumu basi ujirekebishe maana hiyo siyo injili! 

Inatosha kusema hivyo! 

Kristo anafunuliwa! 

Kristo anatukuzwa!

Tuesday 19 October 2021



Katika usomaji wa maandiko hasa katika vitabu vya manabii, 

Tunapaswa kusoma na kuelewa alichosema nabii kwa ufahamu wake kuhusu wasifu wa Mungu bila usahihi

Si kila mstari ulioandikwa kwenye biblia kuwa ni neno la Mungu

Na si kila alichosema Eliya kumhusu Mungu kwamba alikua sahihi, 

Aliongea kwa kiwango cha ufahamu wake! 

Iko wazi kwamba hakuna mtu yeyote kabla ya Kristo aliyewahi kuwa na Roho wa Mungu ndani yake, 

Roho alikaa ndani ya watu walioamini baada ya ufufuo

Lakini tuangalie hapa

MWANZO 41:38

Farao akawaambia watumwa wake, Tupate wapi mtu kama huyu, mwenye roho ya Mungu ndani yake?


Hayo hapo ni maneno ya Farao kwa mtazamo wake juu ya wasifu wa Mungu

Ni makosa kuusoma huo mstari na kuelewa kwamba Yusufu alikua na Roho wa Mungu ndani yake! 

Wasifu wa Mungu tunaujua kupitia Kristo, alivyokuwa ndivyo Baba alivyo milele yote na hajawahi kubadilika! 

Huwezi kujifunza kumjuwa Mungu kupitia Eliya au Danieli au Ayubu halafu ukabaki salama!

Ufunuo wa Mungu upo ndani ya Kristo

Yeye ndiye aliyetuonyesha na kumtambulisha Baba bila makosa! 

Naamini imeeleweka! 

Samuel Peter 05/01/2021

Monday 15 October 2018




Hicho ndicho kichwa cha somo tunaloenda kujifunza tena leo kwa uwezo wa Roho Mtakatifu.

Lengo la somo letu ni kudhamiria kuangalia kwamba ni kwa jinsi gani tunavyoweza kumsikiliza Mungu katika kila jambo na kuacha kweli kuwasikiliza wanadamu ambao mara zote maneno yao yanakuwa ni kwa lengo la kupindisha tu hatima yako Mungu aliyoiweka ndani yako.

Kwanza kabisa tunamwangalia mwanadamu ni nani kibiblia,

wana wa Mungu waliwaona hao binti za wanadamu ya kuwa ni wazuri; wakajitwalia wake wo wote waliowachagua.


Walio wa Mungu ni wale anaowaita wana, ambao hili neno linatuambia kwamba hao wana waliwaona binti za wanadamu ya kuwa ni wazuri wakajitwalia wawe wake zao kitu ambacho hakikumpendeza Mungu yani walio wana wa kwake kuoana na binti za wanadamu.
Mwanadamu hajawa mwema kabisa kwa Mungu na hili neno mwanadamu linaanza kutumika hapa katika biblia tukianza kusoma kutoka MWAZO SURA YA KWANZA MSTARI WA KWANZA na katika hili neno kuanza kutumika hapa aliyeitwa mwanadamu ameonekana kuwa na mambo yasiyompendeza Mungu.

Kwa maana jinsi hii Mungu aliupenda ulimwengu, hata akamtoa Mwanawe pekee, ili kila mtu amwaminiye asipotee, bali awe na uzima wa milele.

Kwasabubu basi Mungu aliupenda ulimwengu aliona atoe kitu chenye thamani sana ili kimkomboe huyo mwanadamu ambaye alikuwa kinyume na mpango wake.
Alimtoa MWANA ambaye ni mpango wake ili akamfanye huyo mwanadamu kuwa MWANA yani wawe kitu kimoja maana sisi tuliofanyika kuwa wana wa Mungu ni mwili wa Kristo.
Hivyo mpango wa Mungu ulikuwa sisi sote tuwe wana au watoto wake walio wa thamani mbele zake na ndiyo maana akamtoa mwanawe na sisi tulio okoka tukafanyika kuwa wana kutoka kuwa wanadamu.

Nao Wanefili walikuwako duniani siku zile;tena ,baada ya hayo ,wana wa Mungu walipoingia kwa binti za binadamu,wakazaa nao wana;hao ndiyo waliokuwa watu hodari zamani ,watu wenye sifa.

Wale ambao angalau Mungu aliwaona ni wakwake walianza kuchangamana na wanadamu wakawa chukizo kwa Mungu.

Wana wa Mungu waliingia kwa binti za wanadamu wakazaa nao wana.
Unaona hapa kwamba binti za wanadamu wamezaa na wana wa Mungu lakini kilichozaliwa kinaitwa mwana maana hicho kilichozaliwa kwa dhambi Mungu hakukihesabia dhambi.

Alipokuwa katika kusema, tazama, wingu jeupe likawatia uvuli; na tazama, sauti ikatoka katika lile wingu, ikasema, Huyu ni Mwanangu, mpendwa wangu, ninayependezwa naye; msikieni yeye.

Tunaona mara nyingi wakati Yesu akienda kuomba alikuwa anaongozana na Petro na wakati wakiwa katika kuomba Mungu akawathibitishia kwa sauti kutoka mbinguni kwamba wamsikilize Yesu ndiye mwanawe mpendwa aliyependezwa naye.
Siyo mtu wake, wala siyo mwanadamu wake bali ni mwanaye.
Hivyo mwana ni yule aliye mpendeza Mungu na tunapaswa kumsikiliza lakini mwanadamu hunena yaliyo yake.

Neno la msingi katika mafundisho yetu ni kutoka

Petro na mitume wakajibu, wakisema, Imetupasa kumtii Mungu kuliko wanadamu.

Makuhani waliwakataza wanafunzi wa Yesu wasilihubiri tena jina la Yesu lakini Petro akawajibu kwamba hawataweza kumtii mwanadamu.

Petro aliwaambia hivyo kwasababu hao makuhani walikuwa wanawaambia wasifanye ambacho Mungu alitaka wakifanye.
Tukumbuke kwamba Yesu aliwaambia walihubiri neno lake.

LUKA 24:46-47
Akawaambia, Ndivyo ilivyoandikwa, kwamba Kristo atateswa na kufufuka siku ya tatu;

na kwamba mataifa yote watahubiriwa kwa jina lake habari ya toba na ondoleo la dhambi, kuanza tangu Yerusalemu.

Sasa hapo Petro alitambua kwamba wanamkataza kitu ambacho Yesu aliwaelekeza na ndiyo maana akawataja kwamba ni wanadamu kwakuwa walichokuwa wanamwelekeza hakitokani na neno la Mungu.

Lakini tambua kwamba anayekueleza habari zilizo ni mapenzi ya Mungu wewe kuzijuwa hupaswi kumpuuza.
Yako mambo mengi sana ambayo hatuyajui wala hayajaandikwa kwenye biblia na ndiyo maana Yesu alisema hivi,

YOHANA 16:12-13
Hata bado nikali ninayo mengi ya kuwaambia, lakini hamwezi kuyastahimili hivi sasa.

Lakini yeye atakapokuja, huyo Roho wa kweli, atawaongoza awatie kwenye kweli yote; kwa maana hatanena kwa shauri lake mwenyewe, lakini yote atakayoyasikia atayanena, na mambo yajayo atawapasha habari yake.

Yesu anakiri kwamba yapo mengi hatukuelezwa naye yani neno halijasema na ukifungua biblia huwezi kuyakuta yameandikwa.

Roho mtakatifu ndiye anayetufunulia na yuko ndani yetu anaongea hanyamazi kabisa kwa habari ya kutaka mtu ayafuate yote yaliyo mapenzi ya Mungu.

Kama kweli umeokoka na unaongozwa na Roho kuna mavazi ambayo ukivaa tu Roho inakuambia acha mavazi haya japo biblia haiyazungumzii lakini Roho mtakatifu yupo.
Kuna namna tu ukitaka kunyoa nywele zako kwa namna fulani utasikia ndani yako sauti inakuambia wewe uliye mwana wa Mungu hustahili kunyoa namna hii.

Hivyo ni lazima kabisa uambiwe ukweli japo utakuwa mbishi ila sisi watumishi wa Mungu na Roho mtakatifu aliye ndani yetu haturuhusu sisi kukuacha na njia zako mbaya.

Yapo mambo machache sana hayajathibitishwa kabisa kwenye biblia kutokana na nyakati lakini Roho wa Bwana yupo anatufundisha na kutushughudia ndani ya dhamira zetu kwamba si halali kufanyika kwa mtu aliye okoka.
Sasa ni lazima utaambiwa ukweli uiache hiyo tabia.

Nimwambiapo mtu mbaya, Ewe mtu mbaya, hakika utakufa, nawe husemi neno la     kumwonya mtu huyo, aiache njia yake, mtu mbaya huyo atakufa katika uovu wake, lakini     damu yake nitaitaka mkononi mwako.

Walakini ukimwonya mtu mbaya kwa sababu ya njia yake, kusudi aiache; wala yeye     asiiache; atakufa huyo katika uovu wake, lakini wewe umejiokoa roho yako.

Unapokuwa ni mwana wa Mungu ujue kabisa huwa Baba anakuambia mambo mengi sana kupitia Roho wake na ndiyo maana Yesu anasema

YOHANA 14:10
Husadiki ya kwamba mimi ni ndani ya Baba, na Baba yu ndani yangu? Hayo maneno niwaambiayo mimi siyasemi kwa shauri langu; lakini Baba akaaye ndani yangu huzifanya kazi zake.

Huwa Mungu hamfichi mwana jambo lolote atakuambia,
Jinsi ulivyo mwana wa Mungu basi wewe kila utakachokiongea si kwa shauri lako na ndiyo maana Mungu anasema nimwambiapo mtu mbaya, Ewe mtu mbaya, hakika utakufa, nawe husemi neno la kumwonya mtu huyo aiache njia yake basi akifa wewe utadaiwa.

Wewe uliyefanyika kuwa mwana wa Mungu ni sauti ya Mungu kabisa.

Wewe unayeambiwa au kuonywa jambo na sauti ya Mungu lakini unaendelea na kusema eti humsikilizi mwanadamu na unaendelea basi ujue kabisa hujui unachokifanya.
Unatakiwa utubu na kuacha kiburi.

Halafu wana wa Mungu hawanyamazi kwakuwa wanaye Roho anasema ndani yao wala si wao wenyewe halafu wewe unayepuuza ndiye mwanadamu ila hujitambui.

Ukiambiwa ukweli unabaki kusema usihukumu usije ukahukumiwa.
Ingekuwa na hivyo kusingekuwa na kuonyana. Sasa elewa maana halisi ya andiko hili.

Msihukumu, msije mkahukumiwa ninyi.

Kwa kuwa hukumu ile mhukumuyo, ndiyo mtakayohukumiwa; na kipimo kile mpimiacho, ndicho mtakachopimiwa.

Basi, mbona wakitazama kibanzi kilicho ndani ya jicho la ndugu yako, na boriti iliyo ndani ya jicho lako mwenyewe huiangalii?

Au utamwambiaje nduguyo, Niache nikitoe kibanzi katika jicho lako; na kumbe! Mna boriti ndani ya jicho lako mwenyewe?

Mnafiki wewe, itoe kwanza ile boriti katika jicho lako mwenyewe; ndipo utakapoona vema kukitoa kile kibanzi katika jicho la ndugu yako.

Hakuna mwanadamu anayepaswa kuhukumu ila mwana wa Mungu anahukumu zote.
Huwezi kumwambia nduguyo ngoja nitoa kibanzi ndani ya jicho lako kumbe mna boriti ndani ya jicho lako.

Boriti ni kitu kidogo sana kuliko kibanzi, Yesu alitumia mfano huu kwasababu alitaka kuwaelekeza wale wanao hukumu wasihukumu kwa kuwaangalia wengine kwakuwa wamekosa bali na wao pia wajiangalie je wako sawa?

Kama anayehukumu mtu aliyezini basi asije akawa yeye anasengenya au kuna dhambi ya siri yoyote anayoifanya.
Sasa tunaona namna ambavyo Yesu anaendelea kusema kwamba itoe kwanza ile boriti ndani yako.
Na ukishaitoa basi unaruhusiwa kukitoa kile kibanzi kwenye jicho la mwenzako.
Ndipo utakavyoweza kukiona vyema kibanzi kwenye jicho la nduguyo.
Kwa maana nyingine ni kwamba ukiwa msafi unaweza kuutumia usafi wako kisha ukajilinganisha na mtu mchafu na ukauona uchafu wake.

Unapokuwa mwana wa Mungu yani mtakatifu wewe unaweza kabisa kumwambia mtu hatima yake kutokana na mwenendo wake na ikawa hivyo.
Kama mimi naliishi neno kwa asilimia mia moja halafu nikakuona wewe unaishi tofauti na mimi basi mimi naweza kukuambia ukweli kwamba wewe utaenda motoni na kama hutaki kuamini kwamba si mimi niliyesema bali ni Mungu wewe acha kutubu na kubadili hiyo dhambi niliokuhukumia nao halafu ufe hivyo hivyo tuone kama hutaenda motoni kweli.

Maana Neno la Mungu li hai, tena lina nguvu, tena lina ukali kuliko upanga uwao wote ukatao kuwili, tena lachoma hata kuzigawanya nafsi na roho, na viungo na mafuta yaliyomo ndani yake; tena li jepesi kuyatambua mawazo na makusudi ya moyo.

Wala hakuna kiumbe kisichokuwa wazi mbele zake, lakini vitu vyote vi utupu na kufunuliwa machoni pake yeye aliye na mambo yetu.

Neno la Mungu linachoma kweli na ndiyo maana mtu mwenye hilo neno akikuambia ukweli mapepo yaliyo ndani yako yanalipuka unajikuta unaanza kutukana na kukasirika yani unaendelea kujipigilia msumari.
Yani unapenda injili za kutiana moyo lakini hutaki kuambiwa ukweli.

Hakuna kiumbe kisicho wazi na kuwa utupu juu ya neno la Mungu.
Kama nimejaza neno la Mungu ndani yangu halafu nikakutazama wewe na mwenendo wako kisha nikakulinganisha na neno huwa nakutambua kabisa kwamba wewe ni mwovu, hujaokoka wala huna sifa za kujiita mlokole labda ubadilike na ujue kabisa hapo siongei mimi bali neno la Mungu ndilo linaloongea.
Nitakushangaa unapokuwa unasema eti humsikilizi mwanadamu.

Ndipo Bwana akaunyosha mkono wake, akanigusa kinywa changu; Bwana akaniambia, Tazama, nimetia maneno yangu kinywani mwako;

Fikiri huyu huyu Yeremia kuna watu walikuwa wanampuuza wakati akiwafikishia unabii.
Lakini ukweli alikuwa anaongea maneno ya Mungu na ni sauti ya Mungu.
Ni mara ngapi wewe umekuwa unapuuza maneno ambayo Roho mtakatifu amewaagiza watumishi wa Mungu wakufikishie ukaishia kusema simsikilizi mwanadamu?

Watu wanataka wafundishwe jinsi wanavyotaka wao bali si kile wanachopaswa kufundishwa.
Yani mtumishi wa Mungu anakufundisha lakini badala ya kumtii Mungu unajikuta wewe unaanza kumfundisha.
Unajiona unajuwa kila kitu lakini ukweli ni kwamba hujui kitu chochote hapa duniani yani kwa kifupi hujijui hata wewe ni nani.


Mtu kaja kukufundisha unamdharau na kuchukua tu andiko moja ukalitafasiri jinsi unavyotaka wewe ili liendane na dhambi yako halafu unasema eti humsikilizi mwanadamu bali unamsikiliza Mungu.

Yani ukisoma mstari kwenye biblia huna haja ya kuuchambua na kugundua Mungu anasema nini na wewe bali unaanza kujiuliza kwamba dini yako inasemaje kuhusu huo mstari na ukiuona uko kinyume na dini au matendo yako basi unauweka pembeni haukufai.
Huyo Mungu sijui unamsikiliza kwa njia gani.
Wengine mnadhiriki hata kusema mchungaji kitu gani mimi mchungaji wangu ni Yesu, are you serious???????????

nami nitawapa ninyi wachungaji wanipendezao moyo wangu, watakaowalisha kwa maarifa na fahamu.

Yesu ni mchungaji wetu sawa, lakini siyo kwa namna unayoiongelea wewe ili uharishe tu na kinywa hicho hicho unachokitumia kupinga nacho neno lake baadae unamwomba nacho Mungu na unajihesabia haki wala hutaki kutubu na kuacha.

Mchungaji wako ndiye amepewa huo ufahamu wa kukuelekeza njia ya kwenda kwa Yesu hivyo unatakiwa kuwa mtii na kunyenyekea na ndiyo maana atakuja kutoa hesabu yako mbele za Baba.

YOHANA 17:12
Nilipokuwapo pamoja nao, mimi naliwalinda kwa jina lako ulilonipa, nikawatunza; wala hapana mmojawapo wao aliyepotea, ila yule mwana wa upotevu, ili andiko litimie.

Kwa kupitia jina la Yesu na neno lake mchungaji anakuongoza wewe lakini kwakuwa tu una vijisenti vyako unajidanganya kwamba humsikilizi mwanadamu.

Mwanadamu ni pale anaposema maneno yake pasipo kuongozwa na Roho lakini anapokufundisha kwa kupitia neno la Mungu basi hiyo ni sauti ya Mungu na kama usipotii dunia itakunyoosha tu.

MATHAYO 28:18-20
Yesu akaja kwao, akasema nao, akawaambia, Nimepewa mamlaka yote mbinguni na duniani.

Basi, enendeni, mkawafanye mataifa yote kuwa wanafunzi, mkiwabatiza kwa jina la Baba, na Mwana, na Roho Mtakatifu;

na kuwafundisha kuyashika yote niliyowaamuru ninyi; na tazama, mimi nipo pamoja nanyi siku zote, hata ukamilifu wa dahari.

Yesu aliwaambia wanafunzi wake kwamba wakaihubiri injili kwa jina lake,
Alipokuwa nao walikuwa wanafunzi lakini alipoondoka tu wakafanyika waalimu wa kuwafundisha mataifa yale aliyowafundisha wao na wakaanza kuitwa wakristo.

Watu wanajiita wakristo lakini ni wapinga Kristo wakubwa.
Ukitaka kujiita mkristo ni lazima utii yale yake yote na ulifuate neno lake lote maana anasema kuwa mkinipenda mtazishika amri zangu.

Kama sisi tumetumwa kuwafanya kuwa wanafunzi inamaana unatakiwa unapoelekezwa jambo la Kristo basi uwe mwanafunzi ukae chini uwe na utayari wa kufundishwa na siyo wewe ujitutumue tena na kujifanya unataka kumfundisha huyo anayetaka kukufundisha wewe.

MARKO 16:15-16
Akawaambia, Enendeni ulimwenguni mwote, mkaihubiri Injili kwa kila kiumbe.

Aaminiye na kubatizwa ataokoka; asiyeamini, atahukumiwa.

Tunamuona tena Marko anaongea kile kile ambacho Mathayo alichokiongea, wote walisikia maneno hayo ya mwisho aliyoyaongea Yesu wakati akiwaaga moja kwa moja.
Kuambiwa ukweli wewe ni lazima ili uokoke.

WARUMI 10:13-14
kwa kuwa, Kila atakayeliitia Jina la Bwana ataokoka.

Basi wamwiteje yeye wasiyemwamini? Tena wamwaminije yeye wasiyemsikia? Tena wamsikieje pasipo mhubiri?

Ni haja ya Bwana Yesu kila mtu aliitie jina lake ndiyo maana akatutuma sisi kulihubiri neno lake katika kweli yote.
Lakini wewe unafikiri ni mwanadamu anaongea na wewe.

LUKA 24:46-51
Akawaambia, Ndivyo ilivyoandikwa, kwamba Kristo atateswa na kufufuka siku ya tatu;

na kwamba mataifa yote watahubiriwa kwa jina lake habari ya toba na ondoleo la dhambi, kuanza tangu Yerusalemu.

Nanyi ndinyi mashahidi wa mambo haya.

Na tazama, nawaletea juu yenu ahadi ya Baba yangu; lakini kaeni humu mjini, hata mvikwe uwezo utokao juu.

Akawaongoza mpaka Bethania, akainua mikono yake akawabariki.

Ikawa katika kuwabariki, alijitenga nao; akachukuliwa juu mbinguni.

Kama mataifa yote yatahubiriwa kwa jina lake wewe unafikiri ni nani atakayehubiri kama unapoambiwa ukweli unasema ni mwanadamu?

YOHANA 20:22-23
Naye akiisha kusema hayo, akawavuvia, akawaambia, Pokeeni Roho Mtakatifu.

Wo wote mtakaowaondolea dhambi, wameondolewa; na wo wote mtakaowafungia dhambi, wamefungiwa.


Hii ndiyo mara ya tatu ya mimi kuja kwenu. Kwa vinywa vya mashahidi wawili au watatu kila neno litathibitishwa.

Turejee kidogo kuanzia Mathayo hapo juu halafu umsome Marko kisha umsome Luka umalizie na Yohana.

Hawa wote wameandika maneno ya Bwana Yesu ya Mwisho kabisa kuongea nao ana kwa ana ndipo akaondoka.
Wote wameyaandika lakini kila mmoja aliandika kwa namna yake ila hakutoka kwenye lengo la Yesu na kati yao wote hatujui ni yapi ambayo Yesu aliyatamka kama yalivyoandikwa ila wote ukiwasoma wanalenga kitu kimoja.

Tunaweza tukawa tumeketi watu watatu mahali pamoja halafu mimi nikaondoka nikasema
kisha nikawaacha nyie wawili.

Halafu baada ya muda kidogo akaja mtu kuniulizia,
Mmoja anaweza akamjibu kwamba
na mwingine akamjibu
Lakini ukweli ni kwamba mimi sikutamka neno hata moja kati ya hayo waliyoyatamka lakini wote waliotamka hawajatoka nje kabisa ya kuelezea nilikoenda.

Lengo la Yesu kuja duniani ni ili watu wakombolewa kutoka kwenye dhambi,


MATHAYO 28:19-20
Basi, enendeni, mkawafanye mataifa yote kuwa wanafunzi, mkiwabatiza kwa jina la Baba, na Mwana, na Roho Mtakatifu;

na kuwafundisha kuyashika yote niliyowaamuru ninyi; na tazama, mimi nipo pamoja nanyi siku zote, hata ukamilifu wa dahari.

Utakapokubali kuwa mwanafunzi na ukawa tayari kufundishwa ni lazima utamjuwa Yesu na utamkiri na kukubali kuwa una dhambi, utaokoka na utabatizwa na kuwa mkristo kamili.

MARKO 16:15-16
Akawaambia, Enendeni ulimwenguni mwote, mkaihubiri Injili kwa kila kiumbe.

Aaminiye na kubatizwa ataokoka; asiyeamini, atahukumiwa.

Hawa wanafunzi wa Yesu watakapoihubiri injili watakaoamini ile injili wataokoka na kubatizwa na mwisho hawatahukumiwa na dhambi maana watakuwa wameshasamehewa.

LUKA 24:46-48
Akawaambia, Ndivyo ilivyoandikwa, kwamba Kristo atateswa na kufufuka siku ya tatu;

na kwamba mataifa yote watahubiriwa kwa jina lake habari ya toba na ondoleo la dhambi, kuanza tangu Yerusalemu.

Nanyi ndinyi mashahidi wa mambo haya.


Mataifa watakapohubiriwa habari zake kwa jina lake watakapozikubali hizo habari za toba wataondolewa dhambi nao wataokoka na kuurithi uzima wa milele.

YOHANA 20:22-23
Naye akiisha kusema hayo, akawavuvia, akawaambia, Pokeeni Roho Mtakatifu.

Wo wote mtakaowaondolea dhambi, wameondolewa; na wo wote mtakaowafungia dhambi, wamefungiwa.

Hapa ndiko panapowachanganya wale wanaoenda kuungama na kutubu dhambi kwa watu wakidhani wana mamlaka hiyo.

Huyu Yohana aliandika kwa kifupi sana lakini bado hakutoka nje ya malengo ya uandishi wa hao wengine.

WOWOTE MTAKAOWAONDOLEA DHAMBI WAMEONDOLEWA NA WOWOTE MTAKAOWAFUNGIA DHAMBI WAMEFUNGIWA_____Mimi nilikaa nanyi na kuwafundisha kila kitu na nyie ndiyo mnaoujua ukweli wote kwamba mtu akinipokea mimi ataondolewa dhambi, kama mkinitii na mkaenda kuwahubiria habari njema juu yangu basi watanijuwa mimi na wataokoka na kuondolewa dhambi zao,
Lakini mkiamua mkae tu bila kwenda kunitangaza kwao basi hawatanijuwa na wala hawataokoka wala kusamehewa dhambi hivyo mtakuwa mmewafungia dhambi zao kwamaana hamjawapa neno langu ili wanipokee wasamehewe.

Sasa nikuulize wewe unayekataa kabisa injili na kujiona uko sahihi eti huambiwi kitu na mwanadamu bali unamsikiliza Mungu unaweza ukaniambia unamsikilizaje huyo Mungu?
Au huwa unasikia sauti kutoka mbinguni?

Ni kitu gani kinakupa kiburi kiasi hata cha kumpuuzia mtu anayejitolea kukufundisha bure wala humlipi?

Unasema unaisubiri neema.

TITO 2:11
Maana neema ya Mungu iwaokoayo wanadamu wote imefunuliwa;

MAANA YA NEEMA ni upendeleo, kustahilishwa usichostahili kabisa.
Ni neema ipi unayoitaka wewe zaidi ya ile ya mtu kutumia muda wake akaacha kazi zake ili akuhubirie wewe uende mbinguni?
Kuna mshahara unaomlipa?
Unadhani unastahili hiyo haki ya mtu kuacha kazi zake na kuja kwenye ofisi yako kukuhubiria huku wewe unaingiza fedha?


Moyo wako uliinuka kwa sababu ya uzuri wako; umeiharibu hekima yako kwa sababu     ya mwangaza wako; nimekutupa chini, nimekulaza mbele ya wafalme, wapate kukutazama.

Kinachokutia kiburi Mungu anakijuwa na usijidanganye kabisa kwamba Mungu atataka upite njia A halafu wewe ulazimishe kupita njia B na ubaki kuwa salama.

Iko njia ionekanayo kuwa sawa machoni pa mtu; Lakini mwisho wake ni njia za mauti.


Kwa akili zako za kibinadamu unajiona uko sahihi sana lakini hata ufanye nini na chema kiasi gani bado huwezi kuziona mbingu kama hujaokoka huo ndiyo ukweli.

1 SAMWELI 8:7-9
Bwana akamwambia Samweli, Isikilize sauti ya watu hawa katika kila neno watakalokuambia; kwa maana hawakukukataa wewe, bali wamenikataa mimi, ili nisiwe mfalme juu yao.

Kwa kadiri ya matendo yote waliyonitenda tokea siku ile nilipowatoa katika Misri hata leo, kwa kuniacha mimi, na kwa kutumikia miungu mingine, ndivyo wanavyokutenda wewe.

Basi sasa, isikilize sauti yao; walakini, uwaonye sana, na kuwaonyesha desturi ya mfalme atakayewamiliki.


Huyo mtumishi anayehubiri kwenye redio, majukwaani, na wengine kukufuata mpaka uliko lakini wewe kwa kiburi chako unamtolea maneno ya kiburi ujijuwe kabisa na uwe na uhakika humjibu yeye bali ni Mungu.

Sisi tunaelekezwa na Mungu tukuambie ukweli kwamba njia uliyo nayo itakufikisha wapi.
Utabaki ukisema humsikilizi mwanadamu lakini nakuambia hii ni sauti ya Mungu na kama usipo okoka na kumtii Mungu kupitia watumishi wake hutafika popote.

Kabla ya uharibifu moyo wa mwanadamu hujivuna; Na kabla ya heshima hutangulia unyenyekevu.

Mtu yeyote aliyetangulia kuwa mtii na kukubali kufundishwa na kutafakari bila kupuuza aliokoka,
Lakini ukitanguliza majivuno na ukijiona tu unajiinua ujue habari yako imekwisha na unaenda kuanguka.

1 YOHANA 2:16
Maana kila kilichomo duniani, yaani, tamaa ya mwili, na tamaa ya macho, na kiburi cha uzima, havitokani na Baba, bali vyatokana na dunia.

Achana na hii dunia umtii Mungu, uogope dhambi ni lazima utafanikiwa, usijifanye mjuwaji hujui chochote wewe kaa utulie ufundishwe na kadiri unavyokuwa mtii utajifunza mengi na Mungu huwainua wanyenyekevu.

Tamaa ya mwili ni pamoja na mavazi yasiyo na utukufu wa Mungu, mwili unapenda kujionyesha ukoje, na macho hushabikia kila kilichotiwa nakshinakshi na shetani na kiburi cha uzima,
Wewe uliye mzima na kujiona handsome/mrembo kwamba wewe huwezi kuokoka na kuacha starehe basi uwe tu na uhakika kwamba umeshaoza.

Bali, yeye asiyejizuia nafsi yake amekufa ingawa yu hai.

Unajiona mzuri sawa lakini bila Yesu dada wewe umeshaoza, Wewe mwanaume unayejiona unaenda na wakati yani wanawake wewe, pombe na starehe za kishamba uwe na uhakika kwamba umeshaoza.
Wasiyomjua Mungu utawababaisha sana lakini nyinyi nyote ni marehemu mnaotembea.

Watu wanaishi maisha yasiyo yao leo kwasababu tu walijiinua,
Wewe unaye endelea kujiona unajuwa endelea lakini kufa kwako kutadhihirika hivi punde maana ulishakufa.






That's the subject of the lesson we are going to learn today with the power of the Holy Spirit.

The purpose of our lesson is to focus on how we can listen to God in every matter and to stop listening to people who always say their words are merely aimed at realizing your future God has put in you.

First of all, we look at the person who is biblical,

ACTS 6: 2
The sons of God saw the daughters of men to be good; They took care of all their chosen ones.


God's people are those whom he calls children, who this word tells us that they have seen the daughters of men as good and self-assuming their own things that displeased God who have his own intimate relations with the daughters of men.
Man is not very good to God and this human word begins to be used here in the Bible as we begin to read from ACTIVITY CHAPTER ONE FIRST STORY and in this word to begin to be used here called a man who has been considered to be displeasing to God.

JOHN 3:16
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth on him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

Sadly, God loved the world he had given something very valuable to redeem that man who was against his plan.
He gave the Son who is His plan to make that human being the ONE CHILDREN to be one thing because we have become children of God is the body of Christ.
So God's plan was for us all to have His precious children or children in His presence and that is why he gave His son and us we are circumcised and made to be humans from human beings.

ACTS 6: 4
And the Nephilim were in the earth in those days: and after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, they bare children: these were the mighty men of valor, the men of valor.

Those who at least God saw them were his men who began to associate with humans and became disgusting to God.

The sons of God came in to the daughters of men who were born to them.
You see here that the daughters of men have begotten sons of God but the birth is called a son because that which was born of sin did not imply sin.

While he was yet speaking, behold, a white cloud cast them forth; And lo, a voice came out of the cloud, saying, This is my Son, my beloved, in whom I am well pleased; listen to him.

We see many times when Jesus was going to pray he was accompanying Peter and while praying to God and vindicated them from heaven to listen to Jesus as his beloved son.
It's not his person, not his human being but his son.
So the son is the one who is pleasing to God and we should listen to him but the man speaks of it.

The key word in our teaching is from

MARKS 5:29
Peter and the apostles answered, saying, We ought to obey God rather than men.

The priests prohibited Jesus' disciples from preaching the name of Jesus but Peter answered that they would not be able to obey the man.

Peter told them so because the priests were telling them not to do what God wanted them to do.
Let us remember that Jesus told them to preach his word.

LUKE 24: 46-47
And he said unto them, Thus it is written, that the Christ shall suffer and rise on the third day;

and that all nations shall be preached in his name of repentance and remission of sins, beginning from Jerusalem.

Now Peter realized that they were rejecting what Jesus was directing to them and that's why He referred to them as human beings as they were turning their backs on the word of God.

But realize that the one who tells you the information that is God's will you should be aware of should not be ignored.
Your very many things we do not know or are not written in the Bible and that's why Jesus said,

JOHN 16: 12-13
Even though I still have much to tell, but you can not stand it right now.

But when he comes, the Spirit of truth, He will guide them to all the truth; for he will not speak of his own counsel; but whatsoever he shall hear, that he shall speak; and the things which he shall speak shall he tell them.

Jesus acknowledges that there is much that we have not been told by what the word has not said and when you open the Bible you can not find it written.

The Holy Spirit is the One who reveals us and is in us who speaks and does not completely know what to expect anyone to follow God's will.

If you are truly saved and led by the Spirit there is only a garment that you wear on the Spirit tells you to put on this dress even though the Bible does not speak but the Holy Spirit is there.
Just as you want to shave your hair somehow you'll get in your voice that tells you who you are a son of God deserve to shave like this.

So it's absolutely necessary to be told the truth even though you will be a refuge unless we are God's servants and the Holy Spirit within us will not allow us to abandon you and your bad ways.

Even a few things have not been thoroughly confirmed in the Bible from time to time but the Spirit of the Lord is teaching us and dealing with us in our minds that it is not lawful for a person who is envy.
Now you must be told the truth and leave that character.

EZEKIEL 33: 8-9
I say to a wicked man, O wicked man, thou shalt surely die; and thou speakest not to destroy the man, and to leave his way, that wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but his blood will I require in thy hand.

But if you warn someone bad because of his way, the purpose is to stop; neither let him alone; He will die in his iniquity, but you have saved your soul.

When you are a son of God, know exactly what the Father tells you so much about His Spirit and that's why Jesus says

JOHN 14:10
Do you not believe that I am in the Father, and the Father is in me? The words that I speak unto you I speak not of my counsel; but the Father that abideth in me doeth his works.

If God does not care for anything, he will tell you,
How you are the Son of God, then, whatever you say to yourself is not in your mind and that's why God says I have said to a bad person, O bad man, you will surely die, and you do not say the word to warn the man to leave his way and then die you will be condemned.

You who became the Son of God is the voice of God altogether.

You who are told or told by the voice of God but keep on saying that they do not listen to man and you keep going to know you really do not know what you are doing.
You have to repent and stop arrogance.

Then the children of God do not ignore that the Spirit says in them and not their own, then you who ignore it are human but you do not realize it.

If you are told the truth you are still saying that you should not judge unless you are judged.
It would have been so there would be no cats. Now understand the meaning of this text.

MATTHEW 7: 1-5
Do not judge, lest you be judged.

For the judgment which thou judgeest, that thou shalt be judged; and what measure you are measuring out, that is what you will be exhausted.

Why, then, do you look at the hollows that are in your brother's eye, and not the beam that is within your own eye?

Or how will you say to his brother, Let me take a napkin out of your own eye; and no! Do you have a beam in your own eye?

You hypocrites, first put the beam in your own eye; and then you will find it good to give out the speck in the eye of your brother.

No human should judge except the Son of God judges all.
You can not tell the brother if I give a blanket inside your eye or you have a beam inside your eye.

The beam is a bit smaller than a bucket, but Jesus used this illustration because he wanted to guide those who do not judge by looking at others because they are wrong but they also think they are right.

As a judge of a murderer then let him not be he who slanders or there is any sin of any secret he does.
Now we see how Jesus goes on saying that he should put the beam first in you.
And if you give it then you are allowed to give what you see in your friend's eye.
And you will be able to get a good look at the brother's eye.
In other words, being clean you can use your hygiene and compare yourself to the unclean person and see his dirt.

When you become the Son of God who is holy you can completely tell someone the fate of his behavior and it did.
If I lived a word for one hundred percent then I saw you living differently with me then I can tell you the truth that you are going to hell and if you do not want to believe that I was not the one who said but God would not repent and change the sin I committed to you and then die like you will not go in the fire really.

READING 4: 12-13
For the Word of God is alive, and is sharper, and sharper than any two-edged sword, and is sharper even to divide the soul and the soul, with the joints and the fat that is in it; it is also easier to discern the thoughts and intentions of the heart.

And there is no creature that is not clear before him, but all things are naked and openly exposed to him who has our things.

The word of God is true and that's why the person with the word tells you the truth that the demons inside you are bothering you find yourself getting scorned and angry as you keep wagging yourself nail.
What do you like the gospel to encourage but you do not want to be told the truth.

There is no invisible creature and being void on the word of God.
If I have filled the Word of God with myself then I have seen you and your behavior then compared you with the word I really realize that you are evil, you are not saved and you do not have the reputation of calling yourself a goddess maybe to change and know exactly where I do not say but the word of God is what it speaks.
I'll be surprised when you say that they do not listen to man.

And the Lord stretched forth his hand, and touched my mouth; And the Lord said unto me, Behold, I have put my words in thy mouth;

Think of this Jeremiah that people were ignoring him while prophesying to them.
But the truth was speaking the words of God and it was God's voice.
How often have you ignored the words that the Holy Spirit has commanded God's servants to reach you and end up saying you do not listen to man?

People want to be taught how they want them but not what they should be taught.
Be a servant of God who teaches you but instead of obeying God you find yourself beginning to teach him.
You see yourself aware of everything but the fact is that you do not know anything on earth who simply does not know who you are.


Someone who teaches you is disregarding and just taking one text to interpret how you want it to fit in with your sin and then say that it does not listen to man but you listen to God.

When you read the verse in the Bible you do not need to analyze it and find out what God is saying to you but you begin to wonder how your religion says about that verse and if you see it contrary to your religion or actions then you put it in perspective you did not deserve it.
That God I do not know how you listen to him.
Others are even involved in saying the pastor what is my pastor is Jesus, are you serious ??

and I will give you pastors who love my heart, who will feed them with knowledge and understanding.

Jesus is our Shepherd the same, but not the way you talk about it to just get hurt with the mouth you use to resist his word later you ask God for it and justify yourself and you do not want to repent and quit.

Your pastor has been given this insight to guide you to the way to Jesus so you have to be obedient and humble and that is why he will come to give your countenance before the Father.

JOHN 17:12
While I was with them, I kept them in your name which you gave me, and I kept them; Not one of them was lost, except the son of perdition, so that the scripture might be fulfilled.

Through Jesus' name and word the pastor guides you but just because you have your pretends that you do not listen to man.

Man is where he speaks his words without being led by the Spirit but when he teaches you through the Word of God then that's the voice of God and if you do not obey the world that will break you.

MATTHEW 28: 18-20
And Jesus came unto them, and spake unto them, and said unto them, All authority has been given me in heaven and on earth.

Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost;

and teach them to observe all that I commanded you; and behold, I am with you always, even to the fullness of the dawn.

Jesus told his disciples that they preached the gospel in his name,
When he was with them they were disciples but when he left he was taught teachers of the nations he taught them and became Christians.

People call themselves Christians but they are antichrist.
If you want to call yourself a Christian, you must obey all of it and follow his word. He says that you love me and keep my commandments.

If we are commissioned to make disciples say that you should be guided by Christ and then become a student to be ready to be taught and not to re-introduce ourselves and pretend to want to teach the one who wants to teach you.

Mark 16: 15-16
And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel unto every creature.

He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; he that believeth not, shall be condemned.

When we see him again Mark speaks of what Matthew was talking about, all heard the last words he spoke to Jesus when he slaughtered them directly.
Being told the truth you must be saved.

Romans 10: 13-14
for, Whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.

How then do they look for him who is not a believer? How do they trust him if he has not heard him? How would he feel without a publisher?

It is the need of the Lord Jesus that every one to call his name is why he sent us to preach his word in all truth.
But you think it's a human talking to you.

LUKE 24: 46-51
And he said unto them, Thus it is written, that the Christ shall suffer and rise on the third day;

and that all nations shall be preached in his name of repentance and remission of sins, beginning from Jerusalem.

And you are witnesses of these things.

And, behold, I bring upon you my Father's promise; but stay here in the city, so that you can get the highest strength.

He led them to Bethany, and lifted up his hands, and blessed them.

When it came to blessing them, he separated himself from them; he was taken up to heaven.

If all nations will be preached in his name, do you think who will preach if you are told the truth you say it's man?

JOHN 20: 22-23
And when he had thus spoken, he rebuked them, and said unto them, Receive ye the Holy Ghost.

Whosoever shall take away sin, they are taken away; and whatsoever ye shall bind on sin, they are bound.


This is the third time I come to you. At the mouth of two or three witnesses every word will be verified.

Let's go a little bit from Matthew above and read Mark and then read Luke and complete it with John.

All these have written the words of the last Lord Jesus to talk to them and to their children and then left.
They all wrote it but each wrote it in its own form except it did not come from Jesus' goal and among them we all do not know what Jesus said as it was written except all of them read the same thing.

We could set three people together and then I left and said
then I left two of them.

Then after some time someone came to tell me,
One can answer that
and another answered him
But the fact is that I did not utter one word among those who spoke out but all the speakers did not come out to tell me where I was going.

The purpose of Jesus to come to earth is for mankind to be redeemed from sin,

Let's go to all those who have been told that the fact that people in the world will have a great deal of confidence.

MATTHEW 28: 19-20
Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost;

and teach them to observe all that I commanded you; and behold, I am with you always, even to the fullness of the dawn.

Once you accept being a disciple and are ready to be taught you must know Jesus and confess and acknowledge that you have sin, you will be saved and be baptized and become a full Christian.

Mark 16: 15-16
And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel unto every creature.

He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; he that believeth not, shall be condemned.

When Jesus' disciples preach the gospel to those who believe the gospel will be saved and baptized and at last they will not be judged by sin because they will be forgiven.

LUKE 24: 46-48
And he said unto them, Thus it is written, that the Christ shall suffer and rise on the third day;

and that all nations shall be preached in his name of repentance and remission of sins, beginning from Jerusalem.

And you are witnesses of these things.


When the nations are preached in his name when they accept the gospel of repentance they will be taken away from sin and they will be saved and inherit eternal life.

JOHN 20: 22-23
And when he had thus spoken, he rebuked them, and said unto them, Receive ye the Holy Ghost.

Whosoever shall take away sin, they are taken away; and whatsoever ye shall bind on sin, they are bound.

Here is where those who go to confess and repent of sin for people think they have that authority.

This John wrote very briefly but did not come out of the goals of the other writers.

WHO YOU WANT TO DISCIPLE ABOUT OWNERS WHO HAVE BENEFITED BY ALL THAT YOU HAVE FOUND IT THAT YOU HAVE FOUNDED_____I am sitting with you and teaching you everything and you know all the truth that whoever accepts me will be taken away, if you obey me and go preaching the good news about me then they will know me and will be saved and have their sins blotted out,
But if you decide not to go to announce to me then they will not know me and they will not be saved or forgiven of sin so you will have to cover their sins for you have not given my word to receive forgiveness for me.

Now I ask you who reject the gospel and think it's right to say nothing to man but you listen to God you can tell me how to listen to God?
Or do you hear a voice from heaven?

What makes you so proud even to ignore someone who volunteers to teach you free or not?

You say you are waiting for grace.

TITUS 2:11
For the grace of God that saves all men is revealed;

THE NEEMA COURT is a privilege, refinished unworthy.
What grace do you want more than that person's time spent on his work to preach to you in heaven?
Is there a salary that you pay?
Do you think you deserve the right to leave his job and come to your office to preach to you while you're getting money?


Your heart grew up because of your beauty; you have destroyed your wisdom because of your light; I have thrown you down, I have thrown you in front of kings, that they may look upon you.

What makes you proud of God knows and does not fool yourself that God wants you to go on A path then you have to force the passage B and remain safe.

The way seems to be right in the eyes of a person; But the end thereof are the ways of death.


With your human mind you think it is very accurate but what you do and how much you still can not see the heavens if you are not saved that's the truth.

1 SAMUEL 8: 7-9
And the LORD said unto Samuel, Hear the voice of this people in every word that they shall speak unto thee; for they have not rejected thee, but have rejected me, that I should not reign over them.

According to all the works which they have done unto me from the day that I brought them forth out of the land of Egypt unto this day, and forsake me, and served other gods, so do they unto thee.

Now therefore, hear their voice; however, to warn them very much, and to show them the custom of a king who will possess it.


That servant preaches on radio, controversy, and others to follow you until you are in existence but you in your pride give him the words of pride to be completely aware and to be sure he responds to him but to God.

We are guided by God to tell you the truth about where the way you have will bring you.
You will remain saying that you do not listen to man but I tell you that this is God's voice and if you are unwilling and obedient to God through his servants will come anywhere.

Before the destruction of the heart of man is haughty; And before honor precedes humility.

Anyone who was first obedient and accepted to be taught and meditated without ignoring the saved,
But if you start boasting and you just feel up and know that your information is over and you're going to fall.

1 JOHN 2:16
For all that is in the world, the desire of the flesh, and the desire of the eyes, and the pride of life, are not of the Father, but of the world.

Deal with this world obey God, fear sin must succeed, do not make yourself a nurse you do not know anything you stay so educated and as you listen to learn more and God elevates the humble.

The desires of the body are part of the unfathomable clothing of God, the body desires to be gluttonous, and the eyes are sensitive to everything that is tainted by the devil and the pride of life,
You who are old and feel handsome / beautiful that you can not survive and stop relaxing then be sure that you have lost.

1 TIMOTHY 5: 6
But he who does not restrain himself is dead though he lives.

You feel good as well but without Jesus your sister you have wandered, You are a self-assuming man you are going and when you women, alcohol and comedy pleasures you have to be sure you have wandered.
The ignorant ones will grieve you but you all are late to walk.

People live their lives today because they just got up,
You who continue to see yourself realize you will continue but your death will not appear immediately because you have died.



Sunday 9 September 2018



Sifa na utukufu ni kwake YESU KRISTO aliyeachilia kibali na kuufanya huu uwe wakati mzuri kabisa uliokubaliwa kwaajili ya kujifunza tena NENO lake.
Tunasimama kinyume na kila mpango wa adui wa kupofusha fikra za watu kulielewa hili somo na kutiisha kila fikra ipate kumtii KRISTO kuanzia sasa.

Leo tunajifunza somo lenye kichwa kinachosema,


Lengo la Roho Mtakatifu kutufundisha somo hili ni kusaidia kujuwa kwamba hata kama una imani kubwa kiasi gani ni kwa jinsi gani inaweza kuwa msaada kwako, maana unaweza ukawa na imani kubwa sana lakini usipofahamu ni kwa namna gani hiyo imani yako imejengeka au ulivyoijenga bado haitakuwa msaada kabisa kwako.

Basi imani ni kuwa na hakika ya mambo yatarajiwayo, ni bayana ya mambo yasiyoonekana.

Hii haijalishi kwamba wewe uko katika dini gani, au hauna dini kabisa au haijalishi unamwabudu nani lakini tafsiri ya imani ndiyo hii.

Kuwa na imani ya namna hii iliyojengeka katika misingi ya matendo fulani itakupa uwezekano wa hilo jambo unaloamini kutokea kwakuwa unavyo vigezo.

Lakini hapa leo nazungumzia imani ya kumwamini Mungu kupitia neno lake.
Ni kwa namna gani tunaweza kujihakikishia kwamba tuna imani inayoweza kutusaidia kwa kusikia neno?

Wewe waamini ya kuwa Mungu ni mmoja; watenda vema. Mashetani nao waamini na kutetemeka.

Ukweli ni kwamba kila kiumbe hai chenye akili timamu huwa kinaamini kabisa kwamba Mungu ni mmoja na hashirikishwi na chochote tena hashindwi kufanya lolote kwa wakati wowote.
Sasa kuna watu wanasema kwamba wao hawana haja ya kujuwa mambo mengine zaidi kuhusu imani yao bali wanachokiamini tu wao ni kwamba Mungu yupo.

Lakini wanachokiamini wao na mashetani wanachokiamini ni kitu kimoja kwa mujibu wa maandiko au neno la Mungu.
Unamwamini Mungu kwamba ni mmoja; unatenda vyema sana, ila ujue hiyo imani yako ni sawa na ya shetani tena huyo shetani anakuzidi kwa imani maana yeye anamwamini mpaka anatetemeka.

Shetani anamwamini Mungu kwamba ana nguvu na wala hawezi kujaribu hata kushindana naye na ndiyo maana anaelekeza hasira zake kwetu ambao ni watoto wa huyo Mungu.
Naye Mungu akatupa sisi silaha ya kumpinga ambayo ni jina la Yesu kupitia kuokoka.
Na hilo jina tukilitumia vizuri ni lazima tumshinde, lakini sasa shetani anakupofusha fikra wewe usiokoke maana anajuwa utakapo okoka tu utakuwa na haki ya kumtiisha ya kutumia hilo jina itokayo katika Yesu Kristo ambayo huja kwa neema.
Hakubali kuachia ufahamu wako uamini kuokoka maana atashindwa na itakuwa shida sana kwake.

Sasa wewe unabaki ukikataa wokovu huku ukilitumia jina la Yesu ukiwa ndani ya dini yako ambayo haiwezi kukupa mamlaka ya kulitumia hilo jina.
Unabaki ukisema eti imani yako itakuponya.
Imani inayokusaidia ni ile yenye misingi ya neno la Mungu.



LUKA 8:43-48
Na mwanamke mmoja, ambaye ametokwa na damu muda wa miaka kumi na miwili, [aliyekuwa amegharimiwa mali zake zote kwa kuwapa waganga] asipate kuponywa na mtu ye yote,

alikwenda nyuma yake, akaugusa upindo wa vazi lake; na mara hiyo kutoka damu kwake kulikoma.

Yesu akasema, Ni nani aliyenigusa? Basi, watu wote walipokana, Petro alimwambia, Bwana mkubwa, makutano haya wanakuzunguka na kukusonga.

Yesu akasema, Mtu alinigusa, maana naona ya kuwa nguvu zimenitoka.

Yule mwanamke, alipoona ya kwamba hawezi kusitirika akaja akitetemeka, akaanguka mbele yake, akamweleza mbele ya watu wote sababu yake ya kumgusa, na jinsi alivyoponywa mara.

Akamwambia Binti, imani yako imekuponya; enenda zako na amani.


Huyu mwanamke alikuwa na imani iliyomuelekeza kwa Yesu Kristo baada ya kumsikia na akamfuata akaugusa upindo wa vazi lake.

Aliamini kwamba Yesu anaponya lakini siyo kuamini tu bali kuna matendo aliyoyafanya mpaka akapokea uponyaji ambayo ni kumfuata na kugusa upindo wa vazi lake.


MATHAYO 8:5-10
Hata alipoingia Kapernaumu, akida mmoja alimjia,

akamsihi, akisema, Bwana, mtumishi wangu amelala nyumbani, mgonjwa wa kupooza, anaumwa sana.

Yesu akamwambia, Nitakuja, nimponye.

Yule akida akamjibu, akasema, Bwana, mimi sistahili wewe uingie chini ya dari yangu; lakini sema neno tu, na mtumishi wangu atapona.

Kwa maana mimi nami ni mtu niliyewekwa chini ya mamlaka, mwenye askari chini yangu; nikimwambia huyu, Nenda, huenda; na huyu, Njoo, huja; na mtumwa wangu, Fanya hivi, hufanya.

Yesu aliposikia hayo, alistaajabu, akawaambia wale waliomfuata, Amin, nawaambieni, Sijaona imani kubwa namna hii, kwa ye yote katika Israeli.


Huyu akida alimwamini Yesu akamfuata ili amponye mtumishi wake na hapo Yesu akataka kufanya tendo la kumfuata lakini tunaona hapo akida akiwa na imani nyingine tofauti kabisa ambayo ilimshangaza hata Yesu.
Anamwambia asimfuate bali aseme neno tu na mtumishi wake atapona.

Hawa watu wawili wote walikuwa na imani na Yesu,
Lakini imani zao hazikuwa bila matendo na hata matendo yao hayakufanana.
Mmoja aliamini Yesu anaponya lakini kwa kugusa upindo wa vazi lake.
Huyu mwanamke angekuwa na imani kama ya yule akida wala asingegusa upindo wa vazi bali angesikiliza tu neno na angepona,
Maana tunaona akida aliamini pia Yesu anaponya lakini hata kwa neno lake.

LUKA 5:17
Ikawa siku zile mojawapo alikuwa akifundisha, na Mafarisayo na waalimu wa torati walikuwa wameketi hapo, waliotoka katika kila kijiji cha Galilaya, na Uyahudi, na Yerusalemu; na uweza wa Bwana ulikuwapo apate kuponya.


Hata katika mafundisho tu uweza wa Mungu unakuwepo kwa imani ili uponye.
Sasa wewe unayesema kwamba imani yako inakuponya kirahisi tu pasipo maarifa yoyote je, imani yako ipo katika msingi upi?
Wewe ambaye hutaki kuokoka na unajiona unamwamini Mungu huwa unamwamini kwa njia ipi kama hutaki kutii neno lake ukaokoka?
Au imani yako ni kama ya shetani tu kwamba unaamini Mungu ni mmoja huku hutii neno lake?
Wewe una tofauti gani na shetani?
Shetani anaamini Mungu ni mmoja na halitii neno lake.
Wewe nawe unaamini Mungu ni mmoja na hutii neno lake na ndiyo maana hutaki kuokoka.
Wewe una tofauti na shetani? JITATHIMINI.

WARUMI 10:17
Basi imani, chanzo chake ni kusikia; na kusikia huja kwa neno la Kristo.


Ili uanze kuwa na imani unatakiwa ulisikie neno la Kristo na kulitii.
Lakini wewe unadai unalisikia neno na wakati hutimizi kile neno linachokuelekeza.


Huwezi kusema tu kwamba imani yako ndiyo itakayokuponya, imani inayoweza kukusaidia ni ile inayokuja kwa kulisikia neno la Kristo.
Imani ziko nyingi ila inayosaidia ni ile imani inayotokana na neno la Kristo.
Na neno la Kristo ni lazima likupe mwongozo wa kufanya jambo fulani ili imani hiyo ithibitike au hilo neno lithihirike kwako.
Kuna jambo la kufanya zaidi ya kumwamini Mungu tu ili imani yetu iwe na matokeo zaidi ya ile ya shetani ambaye naye humwamini Mungu tena na kutetemeka.

Vivyo hivyo na imani, isipokuwa ina matendo, imekufa nafsini mwake.

Unapoamini kwamba Mungu anabariki ni lazima ufanye matendo fulani kwa mujibu wa biblia ambayo mtu anayetaka kufanikiwa ni lazima ayafanye huku akimwamini Mungu, na matendo hayo unaelekezwa na neno pia.
Unaamini Mungu anabariki na kukufanikisha lakini hata kama hiyo imani yako ni kubwa kiasi gani ni lazima ufanye kazi.

KUMB 28:8
Bwana ataiamuru baraka ije juu yako katika ghala zako, na mambo yote utakayotia mkono wako; naye atakubarikia katika nchi akupayo Bwana, Mungu wako.

Ukishamwamini Mungu ni lazima ufanye kazi za mikono yako ili baraka zipitie hapo.
Amesema atakubariki na umwamini lakini siyo kwamba utaokota au utaamka usingizini bali ni lazima ufanye kazi na hiyo mikono yako.
Ataiamuru baraka ije juu yako katika ghala yako, je kama huna hiyo ghala hiyo baraka itapitia wapi?

Na pia zaidi ya hayo hakuna kazi yoyote ya mikono inayopata baraka za Mungu kama hutoi zaka na sadaka maana kile unachopanda ndicho utakachovuna.

Mlitazamia vingi, kumbe vikatokea vichache; tena mlipovileta nyumbani nikavipeperusha. Ni kwa sababu gani? Asema Bwana wa majeshi. Ni kwa sababu ya nyumba yangu inayokaa hali ya kuharibika, wakati ambapo ninyi mnakimbilia kila mtu nyumbani kwake.

Wewe ukiambiwa utoe mchango wa ujenzi wa kanisa unahisi unamfaidisha mchungaji.
Hayo ndiyo matokeo yake.
Umeshamwamini Mungu na wewe ni mwombaji, umeshafanya Kazi sawa kama neno linavyokuelekeza na unasubiri baraka lakini Mungu anasema ulitarajia kubarikiwa lakini hubarikiwa maana hujaijenga nyumba yake.
Sasa wewe endelea kusema imani yako inakuponya au itakusaidia nakuambia utaendelea kupasha kiti moto.

Mmepanda mbegu nyingi mkavuna kidogo; mnakula lakini hamshibi; mnakunywa lakini hamkujazwa na vinywaji; mnajivika nguo lakini hapana aonaye moto; na yeye apataye mshahara apata mshahara ili kuutia katika mfuko uliotoboka-toboka.

Unashangaa hata ukilipwa mshahara mkubwa kiasi gani lakini kwako madeni hayaishi.
Unakula vizuri lakini huna amani na chakula chako.
Huelewi elewi namna fedha zako zinavyoelekea bali unajikuta tu zimeisha.
Unaanza kukemea chuma ulete na wakati chuma ulete ni wewe mwenyewe.
Imani isiyokuelekeza cha kufanya ni imani hewa hiyo wala haikusaidii.
Hiyo imani yako ya kujiona unajuwa sana ya kusema unamwamini Mungu na hutaki kuokoka ni upepo.

Mungu ameshaweka misingi ya kumwamini kwamba ni lazima upitie kwa njia ya Yesu Kristo.
Vinginevyo ni kujilisha upepo.

Na uzima wa milele ndio huu, Wakujue wewe, Mungu wa pekee wa kweli, na Yesu Kristo uliyemtuma.

kama unatarajia uzima misingi yake ndiyo hiyo.
Kumjuwa au kumwamini tu Mungu haikutoshi bila kumjuwa Yesu Kristo aliyemtuma.
Na Yesu anasema ili uje kwake ni lazima uokoke.

Imani nyingine zinaweza kuwa kubwa sana lakini pasipo matendo ni bure.


Hakuna mtu hapa duniani ambaye hasemi kwamba anampenda Mungu.
Tena anaamini kabisa moyoni mwake kwamba Mungu ndiye mweza wa yote.
Anajihisi kabisa kumpenda lakini hiyo imani yake mtu huyo ni hewa wala hampendi Mungu.
Kuna vitu tukiviangalia kwako halafu tukisoma biblia tunakuona humpendi Mungu hata kidogo.

Enyi wazinzi, hamjui ya kwamba kuwa rafiki wa dunia ni kuwa adui wa Mungu? Basi kila atakaye kuwa rafiki wa dunia hujifanya kuwa adui wa Mungu.

Kama wewe ni mzinzi huwezi kuniambia kwamba unampenda Mungu.
Imani yako ni hewa japo unaamini kwamba unampenda Mungu.
Unaipenda dunia na mambo yake ya ubatili huwezi kuwa rafiki wa Mungu.

WARUMI 12:1-2
Basi, ndugu zangu, nawasihi, kwa huruma zake Mungu, itoeni miili yenu iwe dhabihu iliyo hai, takatifu, ya kumpendeza Mungu, ndiyo ibada yenu yenye maana.

Wala msiifuatishe namna ya dunia hii; bali mgeuzwe kwa kufanywa upya nia zenu, mpate kujua hakika mapenzi ya Mungu yaliyo mema, ya kumpendeza, na ukamilifu.

Kuna mtu unamwona kabisa anavaa mavazi ya ajabu yuko uchi ananadi makalio barabarani na kwenye mitandao lakini anakuambia eti nimeokoka nampenda Yesu.
Ukimwuliza juu ya uvaaji wake anakuambia Mungu haangalii mwili.

Ndugu yangu Mungu anaangalia mambo yote hata njia zako.
Unavaa nguo kiasi ambacho ukisimama na mtu ambaye hajaokoka huonyeshe tofauti yoyote halafu unasema umeokoka.
Nakuambia wewe ndiye unaye amini kwamba umeokoka lakini kwako hakuna wokovu.
Mungu angekuwa haangalii mwili asingesema tuitoe miili yetu kama dhabihu iliyo hai tena takatifu na ya kumpendeza.

Unapovaa suruali wewe mwanamke ni kutokujiamini na kuamua kuonyesha kwamba jamani enyi wanaume wa mataifa nioneni maana na mimi nina makalio.
Unasema unampenda Mungu lakini unapingana na maandiko yake?

YOHANA 14:15
Mkinipenda, mtazishika amri zangu.

Huwezi kumpenda Mungu halafu ukatafuta uhalali wa kupinga andiko hata moja kutoka kwenye biblia.

Umeambiwa usiifuatishe namna ya dunia maana unapokuwa umempenda Mungu unakuwa haupo tena ndani ya dunia hii.
Ni lazima uwe tofauti na wale walioko ulimwenguni.

Nasema walioko ulimwenguni maana kama kweli unampenda Mungu huwa unakuwa mbali na ulimwengu na mambo yake.

YOHANA 17:14
Mimi nimewapa neno lako; na ulimwengu umewachukia; kwa kuwa wao si wa ulimwengu, kama mimi nisivyo wa ulimwengu.

Mimi nakuambia kabisa ukimpenda Mungu huwezi kuunadi mwili wako tena utakuwa na aibu kuvaa nguo ili tu uonyeshe makalio.

Tena inashangaza ukimwambia mwanamke juu ya suruali anapambana kabisa yani analipinga neno lake waziwazi.

DANIELI 3:20-21
Kisha akawaamuru baadhi ya watu mashujaa wa jeshi lake kuwafunga Shadraka, na Meshaki, na Abednego, na kuwatupa katika ile tanuru iliyokuwa ikiwaka moto.

Basi watu hao wakafungwa, hali wamevaa suruali zao, na kanzu zao, na joho zao, na mavazi yao mengine, wakatupwa katikati ya ile tanuru iliyokuwa ikiwaka moto.

Nyie mnaosema kwamba  biblia haijasema kwamba suruali ni vazi la mwanaume je, hawa waliokuwa wamevaa hili vazi ni jinsia gani?
Unafikiria nini juu ya huu mstari?
Tena Mungu mwenyewe ndiye aliyeamua na kulibuni vazi hili na kusema wavalishwe wanaume sasa wewe ni nani hata upinge?

KUTOKA 28:42-43
Nawe wafanyie suruali za nguo ya kitani, ili kufunika tupu ya miili yao; suruali hizo zitafika tangu kiunoni hata mapajani;

na Haruni na wanawe watazivaa, hapo watakapoingia katika hema ya kukutania, au hapo watakapoikaribia madhabahu ili watumike katika mahali patakatifu; wasije wakachukua uovu, wakafa; hii itakuwa ni amri ya milele kwake yeye, na kwa wazao wake.

Kama Mungu amesema haya yawe mavazi ya Mwanamume wewe mwanamke unaanzaje kuvaa?
Huko ndiko kuwa na imani kwamba unampenda Mungu bila kuzishika amri zake.
Ukiamua kuokoka okoka na kama huwezi bado unatamani ya dunia wewe endelea nayo.

Nanyi mlikuwa wafu kwa sababu ya makosa na dhambi zenu;

ambazo mliziendea zamani kwa kuifuata kawaida ya ulimwengu huu, na kwa kumfuata mfalme wa uwezo wa anga, roho yule atendaye kazi sasa katika wana wa kuasi;

ambao zamani, sisi sote nasi tulienenda kati yao, katika tamaa za miili yetu, tulipoyatimiza mapenzi ya mwili na ya nia, tukawa kwa tabia yetu watoto wa hasira kama na hao wengine.

Kama ulikuwa mwovu kwaajili ya hayo hayo ambayo mataifa wanahangaikia inakuwaje unasema umeokoka na bado mwenendo na matendo yako ni kama yale yale?

Wana wa kuasi ni wale walio okoka halafu bado wanaishi maisha yale yale.
Unakuwa tayari uitwe mwana wa kuasi ilimradi tu unyoe kiduku kama hao?


Ili ujijue kwamba unampenda Mungu au kujithibitishia kwamba unampenda Mungu siyo kuamini tu moyoni mwako hata kama unajihisi una imani kubwa kiasi gani katika hilo.

1 YOHANA 4:8-9
Yeye asiyependa, hakumjua Mungu, kwa maana Mungu ni upendo.

Katika hili pendo la Mungu lilionekana kwetu, kwamba Mungu amemtuma Mwanawe pekee ulimwenguni, ili tupate uzima kwa yeye.

Kama huna upendo basi ujijue kwamba huna Mungu wala huyo Mungu humpendi bali ni kutokuwa na ufahamu tu na kushindwa kujitathimini kwamba unampenda nani.

1 YOHANE 4:20
Mtu akisema, Nampenda Mungu, naye anamchukia ndugu yake, ni mwongo; kwa maana asiyempenda ndugu yake ambaye amemwona, hawezi kumpenda Mungu ambaye hakumwona.

Njia pekee tu ya kujijuwa kama unampenda Mungu au humpendi ni kushika amri zake zote ikiwa ni pamoja na hii kwamba uwapende watu wote.

Kama kuna mtu yeyote unayemchukia hapa duniani basi ni tafsiri ya kwamba humpendi Mungu.


Asiwepo mtu yeyote uliye na chuki naye moyoni mwako, au kisasi, hasira, na mambo mengine yanayofanana na hayo halafu ukajiaminisha kwamba unampenda Mungu.

Pia ili uamini kwamba unampenda Mungu ni lazima ujitolee.

Kwa maana jinsi hii Mungu aliupenda ulimwengu, hata akamtoa Mwanawe pekee, ili kila mtu amwaminiye asipotee, bali awe na uzima wa milele.

Dalili ya kujijuwa kwamba unapenda ni kujitoa,
Kujitoa kwa ajili ya kazi ya Bwana, kujitoa kwa ajili ya wale wenye uhitaji wa mambo mbalimbali.

Ukimpenda Mungu utawapenda na watu unaowaona na kwakuwa unawapenda ni lazima ujitoe kuhubiri injili kwao ili wakutane na Yesu awaokoe.

Ndiyo maana hata Yesu alisema hivi,

MATHAYO 25:34-40
Kisha Mfalme atawaambia wale walioko mkono wake wa kuume, Njoni, mliobarikiwa na Baba yangu, urithini ufalme mliowekewa tayari tangu kuumbwa ulimwengu;

kwa maana nalikuwa na njaa, mkanipa chakula; nalikuwa na kiu, mkaninywesha; nalikuwa mgeni, mkanikaribisha;

nalikuwa uchi, mkanivika nalikuwa mgonjwa, mkaja kunitazama; nalikuwa kifungoni, mkanijia.

Ndipo wenye haki watakapomjibu, wakisema, Bwana, ni lini tulipokuona una njaa, tukakulisha, au una kiu tukakunywesha?

Tena ni lini tulipokuona u mgeni, tukakukaribisha, au u uchi, tukakuvika?

Ni lini tena tulipokuona u mgonjwa, au kifungoni, tukakujia?

Na Mfalme atajibu, akiwaambia, Amin, nawaambia, kadiri mlivyomtendea mmojawapo wa hao ndugu zangu walio wadogo, mlinitendea mimi.

Kama una fedha lakini ni zako mwenyewe wala huna msaada wowote kwa wahitaji kumpenda kwako Mungu kuko wapi?
Una utajiri mpaka wa ziada lakini hujui jambo lolote juu ya jirani au ndugu yako anayehitaji msaada halafu unasemaje unampenda Mungu?
Unajiaminisha tu kwa kujifariji kwamba unampenda Mungu lakini bila upendo kwa wengine unaowaona kwa macho hakuna upendo hapo kwa Mungu usiyemwona.

Unapojiaminisha kwamba unampenda Mungu ni lazima uambatanishe na hayo matendo ili uwe na uhakika na imani yako.

MATHAYO 5:44-48
lakini mimi nawaambia, Wapendeni adui zenu, waombeeni wanaowaudhi,

ili mpate kuwa wana wa Baba yenu aliye mbinguni; maana yeye huwaangazia jua lake waovu na wema, huwanyeshea mvua wenye haki na wasio haki.

Maana mkiwapenda wanaowapenda ninyi mwapata thawabu gani? Hata watoza ushuru, je! Nao hawafanyi yayo hayo?

Tena mkiwaamkia ndugu zenu tu, mnatenda tendo gani la ziada? Hata watu wa mataifa, je! Nao hawafanyi kama hayo?

Basi ninyi mtakuwa wakamilifu, kama Baba yenu wa mbinguni alivyo mkamilifu.


Utofauti wako na watu wa mataifa ndiyo utakaofanya hata watu wakikuona wakuogope na kutetemeka na wenyewe wakiri na vinywa vyao ya kwamba kweli wewe ni mtoto wa Mungu au kweli wewe unampenda Mungu.

Ni jambo gumu sana kwa  mtu wa mataifa kumpenda adui yake na kumwombea rehema,
Ikiwa imani yako inakuambia unampenda Mungu basi ni lazima huyo Mungu awe ndani yako na Roho yake itampenda aliyekukosea hata akawa adui kama yeye alivyoanza kutupenda sisi tukiwa bado ni waovu tuliomkosea hata akamtuma mwanaye wa pekee kutupatanisha kwa kuiondoa ile hati ya mashtaka kwaajili yake mwenyewe ili tu tuweze kumkaribia.

Mtu asiye mpenda Mungu humchukia adui yake lakini wewe unayejiamini kwamba unampenda Mungu ni lazima uonyeshe kwa matendo kuwa tofauti naye kwakuwa Mungu aliyeko ndani yako hana ubaguzi.
Ukiona umeshindwa hilo basi ujijue kabisa ni ishara ya kuwa humpendi Mungu na wala hayuko ndani yako.
Ili upate kuwa mwana wa Mungu ni lazima uwapende watu wote kama Mungu mwenyewe kwakuwa yeye amekuwa ndani yako kwa kuwa mwana wake.
Vinginevyo utakuwa unajipa imani ya bure kwamba unampenda Mungu.
Ishara ya kumpenda Mungu ni wewe kuwa mkamilifu na kuwa na viwango vyote alivyo navyo Mungu kwakuwa utakuwa naye mahali pamoja.

Imani yako iambatane na matendo ili kuhakikisha kwamba unachokiamini ndicho au sicho.


1 PETRO 3:7-9
Kadhalika ninyi waume, kaeni na wake zenu kwa akili; na kumpa mke heshima, kama chombo kisicho na nguvu; na kama warithi pamoja wa neema ya uzima, kusudi kuomba kwenu kusizuiliwe.

Neno la mwisho ni hili; mwe na nia moja, wenye kuhurumiana, wenye kupendana kama ndugu, wasikitikivu, wanyenyekevu;

watu wasiolipa baya kwa baya, au laumu kwa laumu; bali wenye kubariki; kwa sababu hayo ndiyo mliyoitiwa ili mrithi baraka.


Unaweza ukawa na imani kubwa sana isiyo na mashaka kwamba utabarikiwa wewe na familia yako, yani wewe na mke wako au wewe na watoto na Mume wako.
Lakini ili mrithi hizo baraka kuna vitu mnapaswa kuvifanya kwa vitendo kabisa ambavyo ni hivyo vilivyotajwa hapo.
Kama unaamini kubarikiwa halafu humpi mke wako heshima ujue hiyo imani yako ni bure maana kuomba kwenu kutazuiliwa.

Mnatakiwa kuwa na nia moja, wenye kuhurumiana na kupendana pamoja na unyenyekevu, msiolipizana baya kwa baya na kulaumiana bali mwe wenye kubariki kila mabaya na siyo kuyalaumu na hapo ndio utakapokuwa na imani thabiti kwamba mtarithi baraka.
Na hizo baraka pia ili mzirithi bado mtakuwa na cha kufanya kama kufanya kazi, kutoa zaka na sadaka kwani apandacho mtu ndicho atakachovuna, kuijenga nyumba ya Bwana kama tulivyoona hapo juu pamoja na kujitoa pia kwaajili ya Mungu.
Ukishafanya hayo yote ndipo utakuwa na imani kwamba utabarikiwa, ila vinginevyo imani yako haina matendo hivyo imekufa.

Mfano mwingine ni kwamba mtu mwenye imani ya kuwa atapata mwenzi mwema katika maisha ni yule aliyeanza yeye kuwa mwema kwanza ili ampate wa kufanana naye maama biblia inasema Mungu anakupa wa kufanana na wewe.
Sasa wewe endelea kujiaminisha kwamba utapata mtu mwenye akili kama wewe ni sifuri.

Neno la Kristo na likae kwa wingi ndani yenu katika hekima yote, mkifundishana na kuonyana kwa zaburi, na nyimbo, na tenzi za rohoni; huku mkimwimbia Mungu kwa neema mioyoni mwenu.


Neno la Kristo likikaa kwa wingi ndani yako utajuwa kwamba kila imani unayoiamini inakutaka ufanye matendo gani ili iwe imani inayoweza kukusaidia.
Lakini kama huna neno la kutosha ndani yako utaishia tu kujijengea imani kwamba Mungu anaweza na imani yako itakuponya lakini nakuambia imani pasipo matendo hiyo siyo imani.





Glory and glory are to JESUS ​​CHRIST who gave up the permit and made it an ideal time for learning his Word again.
We stand against every enemy plan to blind the minds of the people to understand this lesson and to eliminate every thought to obey Christ from now on.

Today we study a lesson with the theme,


The purpose of the Holy Spirit to teach us this lesson is to help you realize that no matter how great faith you may be, it can be a great deal of faith, but you do not understand how your faith is built or built, it will never be helpful. to you.

So faith is the surety of things hoped for, the clearness of things that are invisible.

This does not matter what religion you are, or you do not really have religion or no matter who you worship but the meaning of faith is this.

Having such a creed based on certain actions will give you the possibility of what you believe to happen as you have the criteria.

But here I am today talking about the faith in believing in God through His word.
How can we assure ourselves that we have faith that can help us by hearing the word?

JAMES 2:19
You believe that God is one; they do well. The demons also believe and tremble.

The fact is that every sophisticated living creature is absolutely convinced that God is one and is totally incapable of doing anything at any time.
Now there are people saying that they do not need to know more about their beliefs but just believe in them is that God exists.

But what they believe in them and the demons they believe is one thing according to the Scriptures or the word of God.
You believe in God that it is one; you do very well, but you know that your faith is the same as that of the devil again that devil goes on in faith because he believes in him until he is shocked.

Satan believes God is strong and can not even try to contend with him and that is why he directs his anger to us who are God's children.
And God gave us the antichrist that is the name of Jesus through salvation.
And if that name properly uses it, we must overcome him, but now Satan is blinding you because you know that you will have the right to stop him from using that name in Jesus Christ that comes with grace.
You do not have to let your consciousness believe salvation will mean that he will fail and will be very difficult for him.

Now you remain rejecting salvation while using the name of Jesus in your religion that can not give you the authority to use that name.
You keep saying that your faith will heal you.
Faith that helps you is the essence of the Word of God.



LUKE 8: 43-48
And one woman, who had been bleeding for twelve years, [who had been paid all her belongings by giving her physicians] should not be healed by anybody,

she went behind him, and touched the skirt of his garment; and immediately from her blood it ceased.

Jesus said, Who touched me? Then all the people disputed, and Peter said unto him, Master, these multitudes are round about thee, and persecuting thee.

Jesus said, "Someone touched me, for I perceive that power has gone out of me."

When the woman saw that she could not move, she came trembling, fell before him, and told the people why she had touched him, and how she was healed immediately.

He said to Daughter, your faith has healed you; go your way in peace.


This woman had a faith that led her to Jesus Christ after hearing him and following him touched the skirt of his garment.

He believed that Jesus healed but not only believe but there were actions he did until he received the healing that followed him and touched the skirt of his garment.


MATTHEW 8: 5-10
When he entered Capernaum, an officer came to him,

he begged him, saying, Lord, my servant is lying at home, sick of paralysis, he is very sick.

And Jesus said unto him, I will come, and heal him.

The centurion answered him, saying, Lord, I am not worthy that thou shouldest enter under my roof; but just say the word, and my servant will recover.

For I am a man placed under authority, having soldiers under me; saying to this one, 'Go,' he goes; and this one, Come, come; and my servant, Do this, you do.

When Jesus heard this, he marveled, and said unto them that followed him, Verily, I say unto you, I have not seen such great faith in all Israel.


The centurion believed Jesus and followed him to heal his servant and Jesus wanted to do the same thing, but we see that he had a different belief that even surprised Jesus.
He tells her not to follow her but just say the word and her servant will recover.

Both of these men had faith in Jesus,
But their beliefs were not without works and even their actions are not the same.
One believed Jesus healed but by touching the garment of his garment.
This woman would have had the same faith as that of the captain and would not have touched the dress of the garment but just listened to the word and would have recovered,
Because we see an atheist believed Jesus also cures but even by his word.

LUKE 5:17
And it came to pass in those days, that he was teaching; and there were sitting of the Pharisees and of the scribes sitting in every city of Galilee, and Judaea, and Jerusalem; and the power of the Lord was there to heal.


Even in the doctrine of the power of God there is only a belief in healing.
Now you say that your faith is healing you simply without any knowledge. Where is your faith based?
You who do not want to be saved and feel yourself trusting in God in what way if you do not want to obey his word saved?
Is your belief just like the devil that you believe God is one and obeys his word?
What difference do you have with the devil?
Satan believes God is one and does not obey his word.
You and you believe God is one and obeys his word and that's why you do not want to be saved.
Are you different from the devil? TIME.

Romans 10:17
So faith, the source is to hear; and hearing comes by the word of Christ.


To begin to have faith you must hear the word of Christ and obey it.
But you claim you hear the word and when you do not know what the word is telling you.


You can not just say that your faith will heal you, the faith that can help you is the one that comes by hearing the word of Christ.
Faith in many places but in addition is the belief based on the word of Christ.
And the word of Christ must give you guidance to do some thing so that the faith may be overturned or that word becomes common to you.
There is more to do more than trust in God so that our faith will have more consequences than that of the devil who again believes in God and trembles.

JAMES 2:17
Likewise, faith, except in works, is dead in itself.

When you believe that God blesses you must do certain things according to the Bible that a person wants to succeed must do with believing in God, and these actions are also directed by the word too.
You believe God blesses and achieves you but even how much your faith is to work.

The Lord will command the blessing come upon you in your storehouses, and all the things that you will put on your hand; and he shall bless thee in the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee.

In trusting in God you must do the work of your hands so that blessings will pass away.
He said he will bless you and believe but not whether you will dream or will wake up sleep but you must work with your hands.
He will command the blessing come to you in your storehouse, if you do not have the storehouse where will the blessing go?

And besides all, no work of the hands that benefits God's blessing as tithe and sacrifice means what you sow is what you will reap.

HAGAI 1: 9
You're looking for many, though there's just a few; and when you came home, I turned it over. Why? Says the Lord of hosts. It is because of my house that remains a perilous state, when you run every one to his home.

If you are told to contribute to church construction you feel that you benefit the pastor.
That's the result.
Thank you God and you are a requester, you have done the same work as a word that leads to you and you wait for blessings but God says you expected to be blessed but blessed because he did not build his own house.
Now you continue to say that your faith cures you or will help you tell you you will continue to set a fire seat.

HAGAI 1: 6
You sow a lot of seed and reap a little; You are eating but you do not eat. you drink but are not filled with drinks; You wear clothes but no fire; and he who earns wages earns wages to get it into a hired bag.

You wonder how much you earn a lot but that debt does not last.
You eat well but you have no peace with your diet.
You do not understand the eleven how your money goes, but you find it just gone.
You start cutting off the iron and when the iron is brought it yourself.
Faith that does not lead you to do is an air belief and it does not help you.
Your self-esteem is very conscious of your belief in God and you do not want to be saved by the wind.

God has laid the basis for believing that you must go through Jesus Christ.
Otherwise it is wind blowing.

JOHN 17: 3
And this is eternal life, that they may know thee, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom thou didst send.

if you expect life based on it is that.
Knowing or believing only God did not come to pass without knowing Jesus Christ who sent him.
And Jesus says to come to him you must be saved.

Other beliefs can be very serious but no action is free.


No one on earth does not say that he loves God.
And he is fully convinced that God is the Almighty.
She feels quite fond of her, but her belief is a spirit and does not like God.
There are things we look at and then read the Bible we see you do not love God anymore.

JAMES 4: 4
You prostitutes, do you not know that being a friend of the world is being an enemy of God? So whoever will be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God.

If you're a prostitute you can not tell me that you love God.
Your faith is air although you believe that you love God.
You love the world and its worthless things you can not be a friend of God.

Romans 12: 1-2
Wherefore, my brethren, I beseech you, by the grace of God, take your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your earnest service.

And do not follow the way of this world; but be transformed by renewing your motives, so that you may know the good, pleasing, and perfect will of God.

There is someone you see really dressed in a wonderful dress ananodal hips on the road and on the network but he tells you I'm saved and I love Jesus.
Asking about her disgusting tells you that God will not look for the body.

My brother God looks at all things even in your ways.
You wear a dress that you stand with an unsaved person shows you any difference then you say you're saved.
I tell you you are the one who believes that you are saved but there is no salvation.
God would not be watching the body without saying that we should present our bodies as a living and holy sacrifice.

When you wear a trouser you are a woman who is not self-confident and decides to show you what you guys mean for me and I'm pretty.
You say you love God but you disagree with his writings?

JOHN 14:15
If you love me, you will keep my commandments.

You can not love God and then look for legitimacy to resist even one scripture from the Bible.

You have been told not to keep track of the nature of the world because when you love God you are no longer in this world.
It must be different from those in the world.

I say to those in the world that if you really love God you are far from the world and its things.

JOHN 17:14
I have given them your word; and the world hath hated them; because they are not of the world, even as I am not of the world.

I tell you absolutely if you love God you can not get your body again you'll be ashamed to wear clothes just to show the hips.

It is also amazing to tell a woman about the pants who totally opposes who opposed her word.

DANIEL 3: 20-21
Then he ordered some of his men of war to bind Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, and throw them into the fiery furnace.

And they were girded with their robes, and their coats, and their garments, and their garments, and were cast into the midst of the burning furnace.

You say that the Bible does not say that the pants are a man's garment. What are those dressed in this garment?
What do you think about this line?
And it was God himself that decided and created this garment and said to be clothed with the men who are you now to argue?

FROM 28: 42-43
And thou shalt make linen pants for thyself, to cover the nakedness of their flesh; These pants will come from the waist to the pants;

and Aaron and his sons shall put them on, when they come into the tabernacle of the congregation, or when they approach the altar to minister in the holy place; lest they bear iniquity, and die; This shall be an everlasting statute unto him, and to his seed.

If God has said this to be a woman's dress, how do you start dressing?
Here is the belief that you love God without keeping His commandments.
If you decide to be saved and if you can not still wish the world you continue with it.

And you were dead because of your sins and sins;

which you formerly walked by following the natural world, and following the king of power, the spirit who works now in the rebellious sons;

who in the past, all of us and we walked among them, in the desires of our bodies, when we fulfilled the desires of the body and of the mind, became our behavioral children like the other.

If you were evil for those things that the nations worry about how you say you are saved and yet your conduct and actions are the same?

The rebellious children are those who are seduced and still live the same life.
Are you ready to be called a rebel son unless you have such a kid?


To know that you love God or prove that you love God not merely believing in your heart even though you feel that you have a great deal of faith in it.

1 JOHN 4: 8-9
He who does not love, does not know God, for God is love.

In this love God appeared to us, that God has sent His only begotten Son into the world, that we might gain life through him.

If you do not love then let yourself know that you do not have a God or God who loves you but is simply ignorant and unable to evaluate who you love.

1 JOHN 4:20
If anyone says, 'I love God,' and he hates his brother, he is a liar; For he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, can not love God whom he hath not seen.

The only way to know whether you love God or not is to keep His commandments, including this to love all people.

If there is anyone hating you on earth then it is a statement that you do not love God.


There should be no one to hate in your heart, or revenge, anger, and other things like that and then convince yourself that you love God.

Also to believe that you love God you must do it yourself.

JOHN 3:16
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth on him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

The symptom of being aware that you love is devoted,
Commitment for the Lord's work, devoted to those in need of various things.

If you love God you will love people whom you see and love you must do to preach the gospel to them to meet Jesus to save them.

That's why even Jesus said,

MATTHEW 25: 34-40
Then the King will say to those on his right hand, Come, blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom which has been prepared for you since the foundation of the world;

for I was hungry, and you gave me food; I was thirsty and thirsty; I was a stranger, you welcomed me;

I was naked, you clothed me I was sick, you came to look at me; When I was in prison, you came to me.

And when the righteous answer him, saying, Lord, when did we see thee hungry, and weary thee, or thirsty, and weary thee?

And when did we see you a stranger, welcome you, or naked, wearing you?

When did we see you sick, or in prison, when we came to you?

And the King shall answer, saying, Verily, I say unto you, As ye have done unto one of my least brethren, ye did it unto me.

If you have money but are yours and do not have any help for the needy to love God for where?
You have wealth until the extra but you do not know anything about your neighbor or relative who needs help then how do you say you love God?
You only convince yourself that you love God but the love for others you see with eyes is no love there for a God who does not see him.

When you convince yourself that you love God you must associate with these actions so that you can be sure of your faith.

MATTHEW 5: 44-48
But I tell you, love your enemies, pray for those who persecute you,

that ye may be sons of your Father who is in heaven; for he makes his sun rise upon the wicked, and sendeth forth rain upon the just and the unjust.

For what reward do you love those who love you? Even tax collectors, do you? And do not they do it?

And if you just hear your brothers, what extra action do you do? Even people of the nations, do you? Do not they do that?

So you will be perfect, just as your heavenly Father is perfect.


The difference between you and the Gentiles will be when people see you fearful and trembling and boasting themselves with their mouths that you really are a child of God or really you love God.

It is very difficult for a Gentile to love his enemies and to pray for him,
If your faith tells you that you love God, then God must be in you and His Spirit will love the one who made you sin even as he began to love us while we were still wrong with Him even sending His Only Son to reconcile us by removing the prosecution for himself so that we could to draw close to him.

A person who does not love God hates his enemy but you who believe that you love God should show yourself in actions to be different from him because the God in you is not partial.
If you see that failure then get yourself aware of it is a sign of love for God and not in you.
In order to become a son of God you must love all people as God himself because he has been in you as his son.
Otherwise you will be giving the free faith that you love God.
The sign of love for God is to be perfect and to have all the qualities God has for you to be with him in one place.

Your faith should be accompanied by actions to make sure that what you believe is yes or not.


1 PETER 3: 7-9
Likewise, ye husbands, abide with your wives in mind; and to give her the honorable wife, as a weaker vessel; and as joint heirs of the grace of life, that your supplication may not be hindered.

The last word is this; one minded, forgiving one another, having brotherly affection, tenderly compassionate, lowly in heart;

people who do not pay bad for bad, or for compost; but blessed are they; because that is what you were called to inherit the blessing.


You may have the greatest confidence that you will be blessed with you and your family, who you and your wife or you and your children and your husband.
But in order for those beneficiaries to have blessings there are things that you should do in the very least that are the ones mentioned here.
If you believe in blessing and then honor your wife, know that your faith is free, so your prayer will be restrained.

You must have one mind, compassionate and loving one another with humility, not covetously wrong with one another, but one who blesses the evil and does not blame it, and then you will have strong faith that the rewarder will be blessed.
And the blessing is also that the successor will still have to do as to work, to give tithes and offerings as what a person wants to do, will build the house of the Lord as we have seen above as well as devoted ourselves to God.
If you do all of this then you will have the confidence that you will be blessed, but otherwise your faith does not have any works that are dead.

Another example is that a person who believes that he or she will have a good partner in life is the one who first started to be good to get the same as the biblical text says God gives you the same as you.
Now you continue to convince yourself that you will find someone who is intelligent if you are zero.

Let the word of Christ abide in you in all wisdom, in teaching with psalms and hymns, and in spiritual songs; while singing God with grace in your hearts.


When the word of Christ abides in you, you will realize that whatever your faith requires you to do is to be a faith that can help you.
But if you do not have enough word in it you will just stop building the belief that God can and your faith will heal you but tell you faith without doing so is not faith.

